Reasons for PSI

1. We use our knowledge about new digital technologies for the everyday life of the mining industry

Digital specialists are needed to take the step into the future. They should be able to understand new technologies and market trends such as IoT, AI or autonomous driving and to play a decisive role in their development. They should also know how to prioritize digital initiatives according to the company's budget and business requirements.

We are these specialists.

2. Analytics roles must use advanced analytical techniques and machine learning algorithms for real-time insights into data.

Data is indispensable to apply advanced analysis techniques (machine learning algorithms) such as predictive maintenance, throughput and energy optimization. These algorithms then need to be implemented into the current IT system to gain insight and tune models.

We have these techniques at our disposal.

3. The processes in mining can be rationalized by mathematics

Mining is a very complex process, but thanks to mathematicians and optimization experts, processes can be streamlined. Mathematical modeling can be used to optimize the supply chain, mine planning, mills and refineries, and the mine-port processes.

We accompany your processes and advise you during your optimization process.

4. Software for people: The connection between systems, processes and users is key.

The focus of our work as a software supplier is the human being. We create software to make his work easier. The symbiosis of all individual components, the coupling of processes and the optimal integration of the operator create tomorrow's software with the help of the group's own development platform.

We set new software and development standards with our tools.

5. The successful digitalization of the mining industry also depends on the employees.

Due to the complex processes and the employees involved, it is difficult to change behaviours in the mining sector. This requires an understanding of how users work in the interfaces and their communication processes. We question and understand the interactions between people, processes and systems. Based on the results, we develop optimized apps and dashboards that make everyday life easier for employees. This requires in-house user interfaces and user experience designers.

We pick you up and take you with us on the journey.