21 Oct 2009

Germany and Poland join hands across the Oder

(...) Berlin and Poznan produce a bi-lingual publication aimed at the business community, mainly small and medium sized enterprises. It details regional, national and European support schemes, listing phone numbers, web-links and business contacts, it is a tool for entrepreneurs planning to invest on the other side of the border.

PSI Poland is a branch of the Berlin based PSI group, which develops software systems. Having gone through hard times a few years ago, PSI decided to change it’s strategy and “go global”. Establishing a Polish branch helped save the company. PSI recovered and now employs 1,400 people worldwide. Arkadiusz Niemira is the General Manager of PSI Poland:

“To be honest, we have here a win-win situation, on one hand PSI benefits from relatively low hourly rates here in Poland. Thanks to this, PSI can be more competitive on the global market. On the other hand we sell PSI products on the Polish market. From the moment we established PSI Poland, the number of PSI employees in Germany has gone up.” (...)