36-hour travel time Project for E8:
For higher prices and fresher salmon

PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH enables the industry to better plan road transports of critical goods under extreme weather conditions.



Travel time prediction under extreme weather conditions, for E8 - close to the arctic circle


PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH implemented within "Borealis" (named by the Northern lights ( a system for travel time forecasts on the E8. With the Borealis project by NPRA, the 40-kilometer road along the E8 in Skibotndalen becomes a national test laboratory for new technologies.

The system on bases of PSIroads/MDS uses measured weather data and camera images provided by road-side weather stations and weather prognosis to estimate the influence on the travel time for the next 36 hours. To predict the travel times weather conditions, road section topography, nature of the road environment, incidents and the influence of the execution of winter services is taken into account.





All industries transporting perishable goods will benefit 


Global objective was to enable industry to better plan transports of critical cargo such as fresh salmon.

The project is one of six innovation projects developed in the E8 corridor as part of the Nordicway 2 project and funded by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).






Why are results and findings from this project so important?

Norway is considered to be one of the largest marketers of farmed salmon. Japan is currently the main customer for fresh salmon to prepare Sushi:
The fresher the fish, at arrival in Japan, the higher the selling price per kg of salmon that can be achieved on the Japanese market. So every saved minute in total transport time is worth cash to the salmon farmers, carriers and logistics companies.




Why and how it works?

The influencing factors used in the topology road model are modelled individually for each road section.

As an example, the higher the snow on the road the higher the travel time will be. In addition to the model of the influence factor, the priority or weighting of the influence factor is configured. The combination of description and priority is named “Goal function”.
These “Goal functions” build up the decision elements for the multi-criteria decision support (realized by PSI subsidiary PSI Fuzzy Logic (PSI-FLS)).



Including Artificial Intelligence

In addition to the Qualicision decision support software already integrated in PSIroads/MDS, so-called Convolutional Neuronal Networks (CNN) have been implemented. These networks are used to evaluate camera images that are continuously recorded at important points along the route. The conditions of the road surface are extracted from these images and used together with the locally measured and forecast weather data of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and other input data to predict the travel times on the E8 up to 36 hours.

The adaption of the platform is performed by import of the topology of the road once and by cyclic import of the weather information data and camera pictures. The specialised Borealis data model is stored in a database. The forecasted travel time are accessible first by the thin Client, which can be downloaded from the platform, secondly the browser capable Web-Client, which is accessible on mobiles. The system provides Rest services, which allows an easy integration of the forecasts in every system with https features.



Forecasting software for travel times: An important tool in the future for management up to C-level

By predicting the required travel times on base of the optimal starting time and route could optimize the time of catching the fish or starting the production of sensitive goods.

Today we see our product as part of a toolkit for effective work on rural roads in Scandinavia.

And already tomorrow, our product can also provide useful services to other industries and managers, helping them to improve their planning and forecasts.



Only depending
on your requirements - nothing else

Use the provision of online and up-to-date travel time forecasts on the northern salmon route. Independently of your basic IT. We offer cloud-based services and seamless integration into your IT environment by the use of modern industry standards.


Optimise your business - through AI based data analytics

Profit from the processing of life weather data and camera images from road-side weather stations, combined with weather prognosis from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and local road and road-side conditions using artificial neuronal networks and PSI's classification engine Qualicision.


Receive better results and make better decisions -
do better business

Receive better travel time forecasts on your transport routes by using forecasting software and
optimize your work flow for the entire production
and transport chain.





Would you like to learn more about our solution and the project, would you like to get a product demonstrationor
or are you interested in a demo version? Please fill out the following form and we will contact you immediately.
You will find more information below the contact form.


The covered salmon road is currently being extended three times the length of the research project

The current project covers the part of the road E8 between Skibotn and Kilpisjärvi in direction to the finish border.

The route in the research project had a length of 43 km. After completion, the total length of the available route will be i.e. 169 km, so it will be extended about 3 times.

Furthermore, the core solution with modified requirements for similar objectives is currently offered to additional target groups and user as

  • Winter Road Operators

  • Traffic -Services

  • Bus Tour Operators

  • Railway Operators

  • Heavy Good Transporters

  • Wrecking-, Towing- and Breakdown-Services



About NPRA - the Norwegian Public Roads Administration

The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) is an administrative body that work for a safe, environmentally friendly, efficient and universally designed transport system that will cover society's needs for transport and promote regional development. The NPRA is subject to the Ministry of Transport and Communications. As road and road traffic manager, the NPRA is responsible for road administration on national and European roads. This means taking care of, planning, developing, operating and maintaining the roads.

The agency is also responsible for the national road ferries. From 2020, tasks related to the county roads are no longer performed by the NPRA, but are performed by the individual county that owns the county road.
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration's budget for national roads is approximately NOK 31.7 billion (2019). It includes about 5 billion from tolls for development purposes. The appropriations are divided into tasks within operation, maintenance and new construction. At the beginning of 2020, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration had 6,620 employees. The NPRA celebrated 150 year anniversary in 2014.



About PSI group and PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH

Software from PSI FLS Fuzzy Logik & Neuro Systeme GmbH, as part of the PSI Group, optimizes production and traffic flows. We provide traffic management software for tomorrow's mobility - and we set standards for green mining in the operation of mines.

Based on its own software products, PSI Group develops and integrates complete solutions for optimizing the flow of energy and material for utilities (energy networks, energy trading, public transport) and industry (metals production, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics). PSI was founded in 1969 and employs 2,000 persons worldwide. We look back on 50 years of group history in cooperation with over 2,000 customers and successfully transfer the potential of new technologies to their industry requirements. Despite the fact that the group now has a medium-sized structure, we have been able to maintain the dynamism, flexibility and curiosity of a modern start-up company.



PSI on the scandinavian market

In the following video you will find some short insights about PSI group wide solutions and products for customers in different segments on the Scandinavian market.

If you are interested in a contact for a specific segment, please let us know.
We are happy to assist.

Picture copyrights notice for images used on this webpage: Some pictures are used with permission of NPRA and some with permission of Mr. Torgeir Vaa.